William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare was the English poet, playwright, and actor. He was awfully no to people as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's preeminent dramatist. People began calling him England’s national poet and the “board of avon”
The Beginning Days
Williams hypothesize birthing day (The day he was born on), was April 23, 1516. Also, Williams death due date was known as the same day he was born, just a different year which is April 23, 1616. Shakespeare was born in Stratford –Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. He died at age 52 in the same place. When Shakespeare was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway. They have three children together Susanna and twins one was a girl and one was a boy Hamnet and Judith. Which the son of the twins that Anne and William had passed away but the daughter out of the set of twins did not pass away.
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John was alder man and a successful Glover. Mary his mother was the daughter of a landowning farmer. His parents got him baptized in Stafford upon Avon April 26, 1564. William was the third child out of eight. Most biographers agree that Shakespeare was most likely educated at the King's New School in Stratford King’s New School was a free charter school ( in 1553) it was about a quarter-mile (400m) from his family/childhood home.
Years Later William Shakespeare wrote around thirty-nine plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses. Shakespeare’s first plays, believed to have been written before or around 1592. Shakespeare was likely affiliated with several different theater companies when these early works debuted on the London stage. In 1594 he began writing and acting for a troupe known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, ultimately becoming its house playwright and partnering with other members to establish the legendary Globe theater in 1599.
Ending Life for

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