William Shakespeare Research Paper

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The life and devotion of William Shakespeare is truly astounding. William Shakespeare became one of the most talented play writers of all time, and his brilliant work is still talked about to this very day. William Shakespeare was born in town of Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564. The Shakespeare's were well respected prominent people and when young William turned seven years old, he began attending the Stratford Grammar School with other boys of his age. His education consisted mostly of Latin Studies-learning to read, write, and speak the language fairly well by studying some of the classical historians and poets. Shakespeare always presented valuable traits of strong family life, character, and unique creativity. Shakespeare has had a huge impact on our society and he has been able to influence many.

Growing up as child William Shakespeare was brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. His parents were middle class people and his father used to make gloves while his mother was a daughter of a renowned farmer. He had a total of seven siblings and including him it made the family a count of 10 people. William diligently studied the Greek language, history, comedy, romance, Latin and some other languages. At the young age of …show more content…

Therefore, he had a flare for drama and appreciated good storytelling. He acted as a well-mannered individual and is sometimes portrayed as a starving artist, he actually acquired some wealth during his lifetime and records indicate that he frequently gave gracious gifts and acted very kind towards friends and family. Shakespeare’s physical characteristics, such as his height and weight is said to have been attractive. However, portraits of him and accounts of his activities allow for educated conjecture about these characteristics. Shakespeare had a very strong character and this has largely impacted his passion as a playwright, poet, and

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