William H. Gates's Life And Life Of Bill Gates

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William H. Gates III was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle Washington. He is the middle child and only son to his parents William Jr. and Mary. He has two sisters, Kristi and Libby. As a child he enjoyed sports and cub scouts. His parents had a law career in mind for him, like his father, but he had an interest in computers early on. He began studying computers in the seventh grade at Seattle’s Lakeside School, which was a private school chosen by his parents in hopes of challenging his curiosity and intellect. There he came to know Paul Allen, who would later become his business partner. Gate’s early experience with computers included debugging them, helping computerize electric power grids, and founding with Allen a firm called Traf-O-Data. He did all these things while still in high school. Their small company earned them $20,000 in fees for analyzing local traffic patterns.
Bill Gates may also be responsible for one of the first computer viruses. While working for a company called the Computer Center he discovered the machine was connected to a national network of computers called the Cybernet. He invaded the network and installed a program on the main computer that sent itself to the rest of the networks computers, making the main computer crash. When he was found out, he was punished severely by being banned from computer use the rest of his junior year. That is when he began to focus on college and law school. By the next year he was back to helping write a class scheduling program for the schools computer.
Gates entered Harvard University in 1973 and pursued his studies for the next year and a half. His life changed drastically in January 1975 when Paul Allen stumbled across a Popular Mechanics magazine with a cover t...

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...ll and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has led his foundation in anti-malaria efforts, worldwide vaccinations, scholarship programs for minorities, and HIV and AID’s prevention. Gates along with his foundation partner Warren Buffett have thus far convinced over one hundred of the super-rich to sign on to the Giving Pledge, a promise to donate at least half of their net worth to charity.
Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He is one of the richest people on the planet, with a net worth of over $72 billion dollars. He was born in Seattle Washington on October 28, 1955. He is married and has three children. He attended Harvard but he dropped out to pursue his career in software design. He is a philanthropist who donates much of his time and money to charity. In 1976 he designed Microsoft Windows, and has made windows one of the top operating systems in the world.

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