William Blake Research Paper

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Yomira Gomez
Mr. Fields
British Literature
21 March 2015
William Butler Yeats and William Blake
A study of William Butler Yeats would not be complete without the mentioning of William Blake. The Two poets are incredibly tied together even though they come from two very different time periods. Yeats had a great admiration and respect for the understanding of Blake’s work. Yeats studies about William Blake have been proven to have greatly influenced his poetic work.
William Butler Yeats was the great poet in Ireland history and the greatest poet to write in English in the twentieth century. Yeats imagine a perfect world, that would be made up of his believes from occults, spiritual journeys and spiritual transformation. Yeats ideal world was …show more content…

Even though he was no recognized during his lifetime blake is now known as “one of the most renowned peots in the history of ennglish literature” (yeats). Blake is a poetic writter during the Romatic era, he is bestknown as a romanticism writter for his colaboration in the French and american revolution and with all forms of anti-establishment radicialism. He would uses his poems to clearly state issues and eventsgoing on during his time for example the revolution in america and france inspired him to write peoms like The French Revolution, America: A Prphecy, Europe a Prophecy and The ook of Urizen. His work was seen as an “apocalyptic turnng point in the history of humanind, decaying order of opression and presaging the redemption of humanity” (Wolson). Blakes claimes all his visions came to him when he saw his released spirit ascend heavenwards, clapping itss hand for joy” (Wolfson). Accourding to blakes story mistic angels came to him to show him his famous method of “illuminated printing” (Wolfson). Likre yeats, blake believed in the correspondence between the physical and the spiritual world. Unlike Yeats who uses the Divine to express his viewsas his main theme blake uses the ppower of repression. Blake was a member of the lower class, uneducated but surprisinly intellegent and self taught. He was beieve to be in the borderline of madness by other pots, blake expirences the full aspect of …show more content…

Yeats’ Sailing to Byzantium can be compared to William Blake’s A New Jerusalem from “Milton”. Blake wanted a place that established balance, understanding, and wisdom. Blake also wanted an idea of where people were going in life instead of of were they would be headed afterwards. Blake and Yeats both had ideas for what they want their lives and their own world to be like. Some of their ideas seem to be similar, while others were completely different. In Sailing to Byzantium, Yeats wrote "And therefore I have sailed the seas and come/ to the holy city of Byzantium" (Unterecker). In this lines shows how Yeats was on what one would call a spiritual journey to find the place that he beliefs he truly belongs to, a place that would last forever. Yeats also emphasis that he wants stability and a away out from the real world. Like him Blake also wanted to find a place that would help in the rebuild of a new society.
In A New Jerusalem from "Milton", Blake wrote, "Til we have built Jerusalem, In England's green and pleasant Land" refer to the reconstruction of his better society. Jerusalem of course is refer to the Holy Land, here Blake feels that he would closer to Jesus

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