Wilding Against The Environment Summary

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Wilding against the Environment My partner and I presented on chapter 8, Wilding against the Environment: Climate Change and the Ultimate Tragedy of the Commons. The sections I focus on was Keystone Xl pipeline and how they are effecting our environment and humanity. This chapter Derber informed us how global warming is affecting everyone including families, children, and also our future generations therefore we must take actions into our hands. For example, Derber mention how reducing our personal carbon footprints can be the beginning of change. We could started driving smart cars, eating less meat and more vegetable, use public transportations, and shorter showers. In order to make a change environmentalist, consumers, and labor movement …show more content…

We also discuss how he Keystone XL pipeline is a major issue because they have some of the dirtiest oil on the planet which send many polluting chemicals into the ground waters and release methane which created one of the greatest climate threats. These Pipelines are exposed to poisonous spill which could lead to pollute much of the country’s clean drinking water and agricultural irrigations. Due to all this climate crisis the people got united and started the 2013 movement. People had to take action into their own hands since nothing was being done by the government to help solve the climate crisis. This movement was mostly composed my young people including students and new breed environmental activist which was multicultural. This movement did not only focus on the natural resource, but also on the social justice issue focused on human and all natural species. Within this movement 48 leaders were arrested in front of the white house. Another movement that was the Anifarcking Movement , led by Jill Wiener, she was fighting to keep fracking from being legalized in New York. Wiener is an artist and farmer who worked with the group Catskills Citizen for Safe Energy who is working with the

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