Wildfire: Improving The Quality Of Life

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Wildfires and hard to control and make can cause harm to not only animals but humans too if it spreads far enough. Nonetheless, it's a natural part of the forest cycle. Even though it can be risky, instead of a wildfire, an controlled forest fire can improve the forest and animals life and survival without getting out of hand.

A fire is oddly enough, a natural process in a forest. A fire burns all the waste such as weeds or dead plants and mixes in with the soil renewing and refreshing it. Aside from the improvement of the soil, gasses such as Carbon Dioxide are released into the atmosphere. The release of Carbon is great for plants and their new growing process that will occur. Not only will the plants have a fresh start to grow, they will have a chance to bring up new and a variety of different species into the forest.

Aside from plants, it increases the quality of life for the forest animals as well. In the forest some species strive and overpopulate likewise some struggle and become endangered if not extinct. For those overpopulating species a fire reduces their population while bringing animal diversity or variety of species to the environment. Also with less of the overpopulating …show more content…

The natural fuels in the forest build up and the fire's intensity becomes even greater as well as spreading faster. Just as a wildfire gets out of control very easily and quickly, there are steps, precautions, and certain weather conditions of which must be planned and prepared for in order to keep a prescribed forest fire in control and safe such as Professor Rick Laven explains in the "Benefits of Prescribed Burning" article. As long as the research and planning is done to ensure the fire will remain in control, the worry for an attempt to fail into disaster is not

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