Wild Cat Falling Essay On Identity

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Sneha Kumar
Prompt: It is difficult to maintain a strong sense of individual identity in our society.
Our society in today’s world consists of many stereotypes. And if you do not know who you are and do not consist of a ‘strong individual identity’ it can be hard to not fit in any of the categories. Some categories include racial profiling, gender profiling, cultures, and so on. People in today’s world don’t really have a clue with what they really want in life. It is like that they have been brainwashed by the stereotypical groups and has lost their sense on identity. Once you have entered society’s expectations, you won’t even realise you have your own expectations in life as it is very hard to have a sense of identity as society is pinning …show more content…

It is the story of an Aboriginal boy who grew up on the ragged outskirts of a country town. He commits a crime and goes to jail and comes out a couple years later only to fight the battle with society. In the novel, he is often referred to Jessie Duggan’s boy as the author has not mentioned his name. The unknown character is a very pessimistic person. He thinks that the world is a very nasty place. “I only know it will be worse out there.” He prefers jail over out as he knows what to expect when he goes out. He knows that his identity of being Duggan’s boy will be expected from him even if he doesn’t want it to. “‘Jessie Duggan’s boy,’ he says like talking to him-self. The food sticks in my throat. ‘No.’ I say. ‘I’m a stranger here.’” His identity of himself is that he is a negative person and does not want to be somebody’s …show more content…

However, this character feels as if he should have negativity in his life as he thinks that he will never do any good in the world. he committed a crime which he had paid for, but he still feels responsible for his own actions. The world should not have him in it, that is where his mind is taking him. “…as I have accepted hopelessness and futility” He has acknowledged what life has given him and this is identity. Now he has found his identity, he is scared of changing it for society’s sake. “I guess the fact is I’m afraid of life, haven’t got the guts to be a real criminal.” He is scared of what is outside the prison walls. So he lets himself think of him as a criminal in order to move on with life and to ignore the rest of society’s feelings about

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