Wiccan Book Of Shadows

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“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble”, this quote comes from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Though considered a “new religious movement” by many due to Wicca not being formally recognized as a religion until Gerald Gardner brought it to public attention in the 1950s, mention of witches has been seen in various texts throughout the ages, the earliest of which being in the Bible’s book of Samuel. Witches are often seen in popular culture as being evil old hags casting heinous spells and cursing poor unsuspecting princesses, this however, is an inaccurate portrayal of the Wiccan religion. Although there are many other aspects of Wicca such as its history, practices, and the misconceptions about it as well as controversies …show more content…

This does not, however, mean there is not a sacred text associated with the followers of the religion. Beliefs in this religion are recorded in a Book of Shadows. Wiccan circles or covens, as groups of those of the Wiccan faith are called, understand their Book of Shadows to be the sacred text of their religion. Though referred to as a sacred text, there is no one “official” Book of Shadows as we are used to seeing with sacred texts in other religions. A coven’s Book of Shadows is handwritten by the various members of the circle to which it belongs (“Gardnerian”). By personalizing and writing their own sacred text they are displaying their connection and growth to the natural and spiritual world around them, which as Wiccans they believe to be important. The Book of Shadows documents the coven’s individual spells, practices, rituals, and knowledge. Members of the group may decide to write these in code or a cypher to keep the knowledge from being obtained by those outside their circle (“Garnerian”). Unlike the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity, or any other religions with a set text, a Book of Shadows tracks the unique journey of its believers and allows them a stronger tie to their beliefs. The spells, rituals, and knowledge recorded in each Book of Shadows are different than what may be recorded in another coven’s Book of Shadows. Although there is no central text, …show more content…

Its beliefs about gender, ethics, sacred text and its origins all contribute to making Wicca an inclusive and appealing religion to be a member of. Wiccans are more than their misconceptions, they defy their short and messy history, and are unified despite the varying practices within their covens. The belief that they are connected to each other, to the elements, and to nature brings the together and makes their community and their religion powerful. Tony Robbins once said, “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives”. Wiccans and their beliefs gave the religion the power and strength it currently holds, and without them Wicca would fall

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