Why did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor

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Many people wonder why countries invade each other.Japan bombed Pearl Harbor because Japan’s plan for a new world order, U.S oil Embargo and because Japan had attacked and colonized parts of China, Korea, and South East Asia

First, On December 7 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and everyone questions as to why. Well i believe Japan attack Pearl Harbor because Japan had plans for a new world order. An old order (Europe and America) controlled by China, British and Dutched is now crumbling. So that gives other country an advantage to start a new order. So Japan would be that country to step up and start a new order. The new order would only affect the ones that japan has control over. The new order was formed to build up japanese authority throughout the continent.One of the most difficult challenges in establishing the New Order was to obtain the cooperation and expertise of business. Since the 1930s, technocrats had sought to combine state planning with private initiative. Drawing upon the lessons of Manchurian industrialization, technocrats downplayed the anti-capitalist rhetoric of the New Order and recast their policies in more business-friendly terms. It was drawn by The Prime Japanese Minister, This was a consequence of the Manchurian crisis. General Hideki Tojo was one of the main supporters of the new order, He was an ex-commander of the Kwantung army and is now an army minster. Some countries agree with the new order because it benefited them. But others didnt like the United States who begin an embargo of aircraft and aircraft parts against Japan which means an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.So as you see United States didnt want nothing to do japan But Japan wasn’t fi...

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...ween neighbours. Present Chinese antipathy to Japan has its roots in the brutal Japanese occupation of much of China in the Second World War – a period that has left deep scars on the Chinese psyche.At the end of that war a group of islands, called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, controlled by Japan since 1895, was placed under US administration. In 1972 that arrangement ended and administration passed to Japan. Japan invaded these country because they are a resource-poor country. They wanted resources.

Conclusion, Until this day people still question on why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. I believe because Japan’s plan for a new world order, U.S oil Embargo and last but not least because Japan had attacked and colonized parts of China, Korea, and South East Asia.

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