Why You Shouldn T Drop Out Of High School

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Do you think dropping out of high school is a good idea? Most people don't, especially parents. If you dropout of high school you can't attend college and it will hurt you in the long run. It might sound fun at the time, but most people regret it. I don't think kids should be allowed to dropout of high school, and let me tell you why.
To be able to attend college you need your high school diploma. If you drop out in the 10th grade you will have never received your diploma. Most jobs require you to have some kind of education. If you can't go to college because you dropped out of high school your job selections are very few. With most jobs the more education you have the more money you make, and we all want to make a lot of money. If you stay in high school you will have a lot more opportunities in your life. Most people who dropout of high school lose all their social and arguing skills. These are some reasons why dropping out of high school is a dumb idea. …show more content…

When you get older and have kids do you want the story you tell them is that you dropped out of high school? Do you want the bank to think your dumb because you can't add when you're trying to buy a house? When you get older and have a family you don't wanna live your life with regrets, so stay in high school and you won't have any. Most people frown upon the adults who dropped out of high school. Do you want to be frowned upon your whole life because you made one stupid mistake when you were a kid? Stay in high school, and get your education! You will thank me

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