Why You Shouldn T Be Counted

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Albert Einstein had a saying that was in his office while he worked at Princeton University. The saying was “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” This saying is relevant to today’s higher education system. To the everyday student there are items that are counted that some think shouldn’t matter. They also think there should be other items that should be counted and they are not. These matters are discussed within the higher education community.
There are items that are counted that shouldn’t be counted as much and other items that are not counted that should be. It’s tough formulating the right combination and make it work. In my opinion, I believe that knowledge shouldn’t be the only item …show more content…

They consist of the following, which are exams, assignments, and projects. For each of these there are arguments for why they shouldn’t matter as much. For example, exams only test the knowledge and not the effort of doing what you are being tested on. Anyone can study for an exam and still not fulling understand the concepts that they are being tested on. Wherefore assignments give a chance to put the concept to work. However, once the assignment is over then you move on to being taught another concept. This makes what you just learned a second thought due to you having completed all you needed to know from the previous concept. If you were able to consistently work on what you have learned while learning new concepts you could gain a better knowledge of every concept that is taught to you. Projects somewhat help bring what you learned …show more content…

These matters would include attendance, meeting deadlines, and participation. By including these it shows the effort that was put towards the end result. Somebody that comes to class only once and passes all requirements due to them having the knowledge doesn’t make it justifiable for somebody that attends every day. Due to not attending classes it shows that you wish to not put in the required time. This leads to not meeting deadlines and by you not being fully engaged while giving it the effort that it requires. Missing deadlines are somewhat frowned upon, but in school there are several cases where firm deadlines become relaxed. Participation is also an item that is rarely counted due to there are people that wish not to or some people that do participate too much. These types of people make it tougher for others to join in the conversation. It’s difficult to have a fully engaged class and it’s a two-way system that takes both the effort of the teacher and

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