Why Writing Is Important To Me

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Every student has experienced the dreadful discovery of an essay assignment in one class or another. Instead of spending the weekend outside or with friends, students are required to stay home typing away, struggling to get every last word in before the midnight deadline. For some people, writing is a means for self-expression, relaxation, or enjoyment, but writing for me has always been a task that is required for some reason. This is likely the main reason why I tend to get a sour taste in my mouth when it’s time to start writing my assignment, typically after procrastinating until the very last minute. The problem with not liking to write, is that writing is an essential part of life, regardless of what profession one chooses. That is why …show more content…

The first reason, which I have already explained, is that the writing has always been an assignment or task. Whether it be an essay in a history class, a lab report for a science class, or an essay for a scholarship, writing has always been something that I just need to get done and out of the way. Writing for school is similar to a chore at home; I don’t mind vacuuming or doing the dishes, but it becomes less suitable when I am told that I need to do it, rather than deciding to do it on my own. The repetition of the chore also begins to make it less fitting, because I am constantly being told to do it. Writing has always been a task, and the more I was required to do the task, the more discontent I felt with each new …show more content…

It would provide the reader with the history of the case, the key players, and key factors that would eventually lead to a decision the company (or reader in our case) to make. For instance, if a new product for Proctor and Gamble was the basis for the case, our story would give a history of Proctor and Gamble as a company, a detailed description of the expected costs of the product, and the expected return on investment that the product would bring. The reader would then be challenged with the decision to roll out the product or not, depending on if the student thought the product fit the current business model and if the benefits outweigh the

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