Why We Shouldn T Arranged Marriages Be Outlawed

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Good evening chairman, adjudicator, ladies and gentleman. The topic for this debate is that ‘arranged marriages should be outlawed’. We, as the affirmative team, strongly believe that this statement is true.
What does an arranged marriage mean? ‘Arranged’ is defined as when someone or a group of people set up something together. Marriage is defined as the legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman. In this context, arranged marriages are defined as a marriage planned and agreed to by the families or guardians of the couple concerned. It may also have the implications of a ‘forced’ marriage when the daughter or son may not be willing to marry someone she/he has not personally chosen. ‘Outlawed’ is defined as depriving (someone) of the benefit and protection of the law i.e. putting something outside of what is lawful. In this context it carries the meaning of making an arranged marriage against the law or illegal.
I would argue strongly that an arranged marriage impedes the basic right of a human to exercise a freedom of choice in whomever they marry. It is important to consider than an arranged marriages puts pressure on both bride and groom to accept whomever their parents have chosen as a life long partner. I’m sure you would agree that this arrangement removes the basic right of …show more content…

In many countries it is acceptable for girls under the age of 18 to marry someone old enough to be their father – or even grandfather? You may be aware that girls as young as twelve years old can be married to a man over 60 years old. Why does this occur? Often the girl’s family are very poor and the older man will pay a large dowry for his future child-bride. Could anyone really condone this marriage arrangement? This is clearly an outrage to anyone who is compassionate and

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