Why We Should Not Be Allowed To Bear Arms Essay

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George Washington, one of the United State’s Founding Fathers once stated, “A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…,” (Source 1). Many americans believe that guns should not be allowed in the United States. Firearms in general can be very dangerous and harmful, but the pros of guns are much greater than the cons. Guns should still continue to be allowed in the United States so citizens can protect themselves and the right to bear arms, but also for the use of harvesting game.
One of the main reasons why Americans own firearms in their homes is for the protection of themselves and family members. The second amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment was made for a specific and important reason. That reason was so the citizens of the United States would be able to protect themselves and rebel against the government if it became unconstitutional. This was so American people could have the right to join and fight against bureaucracy if the United States …show more content…

“States that passed ‘shall-issue’ laws between 1977 and 2010 had a 2% or more increase in the murder rate, and at least 9% increases in rates of rapes, aggravated assault, robbery, auto theft, burglary and larceny…,” (Source 5). Although guns possibly could promote more crime if they are allowed to be publicly transported, most criminals do not buy weapons legally, which requires a background check of the buyer before the dealer can sell the gun. Smart culprits usually buy guns illegally or know as the “black market”, which cannot be prevented by any constitutional law. Buying guns illegally is just as easy as buying illegal drugs, therefore, tightening gun laws will not affect the crime rate in the

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