Why We Should Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

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Reading Inside The Book I’m sure we’re all heard the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but most people don’t go by this expression. People tend to judge a person by their appearance and also by their race. People are not given the chance to show how they really are because they are being judged right away. I’ve seen so many people come across a person and say that the person looks unfriendly, without knowing a single thing about them. Then after getting to know them their thoughts about that person shifts completely. They start to say “he’s actually not that bad.” In reality they were never bad at all. I believe we should never judge a person by their outside appearance without knowing them completely because they might be going through a tough time, the person isn’t given the chance to show how they really are and someone’s happiness can be affected. Judging a person you don’t know is wrong in many ways especially because they may be going through a tough time in their life. Someone may act a certain way like for example, be extra quiet because they day isn’t going well for them. People automatically assume they are antisocial and something is entirely wrong …show more content…

We destroy their chances of showing the world who they really are and we also ruin other people’s happiness. If we had a lot of people who would stand up for this belief we could really make a difference. Like my communication Professor says, “It only takes one person to make difference.” As time passes by the older generation will soon understand and will start shifting their view on interracial couples. In 2015, this is something that occurs all the time now. We should always stand up for what we love and what we believe no matter what. I met someone the first day of college and he is the most interesting person I’ve ever met. I am willing to fight for what we have if it ever gets

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