Why We Rugs Analysis

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Have you ever been to a ghetto? Not just passed by but really be immersed in it? Well in rapper Ice Cube’s song “Why We Thugs”, he provides important insight into the struggle of growing up in a rough neighborhood. His song is essential in showing us a different way in life, which is beneficial to us all because when we are aware of issues, like poverty and racism, it takes us a step closer to solving them. Through his lyrical message, emphasized vocal ability, and powerful beat Ice Cube takes his listeners on a journey through what a ghetto really entails. “They give us guns and drugs then wonder why the fuck we thugs”. This is the first lyric in the hook of the song, and it describes the song’s entirety; that lower class living is created by society. With this lyric Ice is stating that the government is putting gun and liquor shops in these neighborhoods and it is only natural that these individuals surrounded by these things would turn into what society deems as thugs. …show more content…

The beat kicks off right away and this works because it gives the listener the idea that this is not a song that plays around. The deep bass coincides with the menacing keyboard to ultimately create an aggressive song. The beat drops at every new line in the song, which entices the listener to keep listening to the rest. As a whole the instrumental draws the listeners in and works perfectly with the lyrics to create an agreement between Ice and the listeners about what he is saying. Today Ice is considered to be a wealthy family man and has been in movies like “Are We There Yet”, but that does not mean his experiences and right to talk about the ghetto are any less meaningful .Ice Cubes song is a masterful work of art that raises awareness of societies issues through the powerful translation of music. He brings up real issues in a way that gets people interested and evokes emotions in his listeners which is true

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