Why We Eat Christy Tremino Summary

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After reading the article “Why we eat what we eat: social and economic determinants of food choice”, Posted by Christy Tremino. I was thinking of how examination has demonstrated that we eat more with our loved ones than when we eat alone and the amount of sustenance increments as the quantity of kindred cafes develops. I agree with this study because, when I’m with my love ones and friends I eat way more than I would by myself. I eat just for fun sometimes we want to do something to enjoy ourselves, we go out to eat just to eat whether we’re hungry or not. However, when I’m by myself I eat way less than I would with others and I do not go out I actually just eat whatever I can find at home. Therefore that’s why I highly agree with this study. …show more content…

Population studies show there are clear contrasts in social classes with respect to nourishment and supplement admissions. Low-salary bunches specifically, have a more prominent propensity to devour lopsided eating methodologies and have low admissions of foods grown from the ground. They don’t have the same economics of food choice as the higher class therefore, they don’t necessarily have the opportunities like the higher class communities. That’s one of the main reason I think obesity occurs, Obesity is one of the most serious growing problems in the United States and requires the prevalence of obesity is dramatically increasing as a result of what the people are eating and the lack of exercise . If a child's parent is overweight then it’s most likely that their child will be overweight as. They are adapting everything their parents do such as eating unhealthy or not exercising enough which is contributing to this major social problem Since obesity involves excessive accumulation of fat in the body. intense health complications including diabetes, heart disease, renal failure, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and cancer can

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