Why Was Stalin A Great Leader

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As you my know the leader of the Russia was Stalin. Stalin was a good leader but in good and bad ways. He was about as bad as Adolf Hitler with corruption. Stalin was born 18 December 1878 in poverty and he had daddy issue. His dad was shoe maker and an alcoholic and his mother is a maid. Stalin at a young age he endured smallpox when he was only 7. He lived form smallpox but in the end of the after mass of the smallpox it left his face with scars. Even though Stalin was a good kid at the time he turned into a great leader then into a corrupt.
How Did He Start?
Stalin got his scholarship in Tiflis Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894. But with Stalin getting his scholarship he didn’t commit with studying instead, he put himself towards the revolutionary movement fighting the Russian monarchy. After he joined the fight he got kick out of seminary. When he got kicked out of seminary he started teaching children in the middle class. He soon became recognized by the secret police of the Monarch because he persuaded workers and peasants in organizing strikes and shutdown. When being tracked down by the secret police Stalin got scared so he went underground. When he was underground to give joy to the workers and peasants he came up with Provocative sections in the Georgian daily paper. The paper was called Brdzola Khma Vladimir. For a couple of years he spent as an activist and for a numerous amount of occasions he was arrested and had been exiled to Siberia.
Back in Siberia
As of 1903, Stalin was in Siberia, he knew about the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was split. One of the leaders under the faction was Vladimir Lenin which became known as the Bolsheviks while some other people adored Julius Martov formed th...

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...In Soviet Union Stalin Pronounced his first five-year plans in ,1928, highlighting on the growth of future industrial. His approaches obtain popularity among the lower and poor working class. For Stalin’s prevail, also stressed on the idea of arrangement of agriculture. The arrangement of agriculture was to increase agriculture production and brought to the lower class and under classmen additional up-front political control. The leader of Politburo was Joseph and took pleasure with unrestrained power and control. In addition to the changes on the route of socialism, Joseph also gives reasons for banishing people who have more advantage over him and counter-revolutionary invaders.

While World War II was going on, Stalin regulated a sequence of large portion scale deportations roughly calculating about 3.3 million to Siberia and the Central Asian republics.(Joseph)

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