Why Was Louis Riel Innocent

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The trial of Louis Riel is one of the most debatable controversial topics in Canadian history, and to this day, 130 years after his death, there is still a debate on whether this man was a hero or a villain. Louis Riel is innocent. He is innocent because he was a man with a sense of self worth for himself and for his metis people, he was a man of pride, who could stand up for his people even after being betrayed, cheated and lied to by his own government multiple times.

Louis Riel was a hero and a representative for the Metis people. His ultimate goals was to protect his people and try to obtain the same rights for his Metis people, which were given to the White English in Canada. He represented those who could not represent themselves. . Louis Riel and the Metis people demanded equal rights for each person, but time after time, the government refused to provide them with these rights. After the Rebellion Louis Riel was elected by Manitoba in the House of Commons. Riel went to Ottawa in an attempt to take his seat, but was not allowed because he was threatened that if he was near the house of commons he would be shot by many, I believe that this was the governments fault. The government had the ability to stop the threats, but chose …show more content…

In the year 1884, Gabriel Dumont rode to Montana and asked Louis Riel to come back to defend the Metis once again. Louis Riel agreed to this, and risked being captured. This was very noble of him and instead of staying safe in Montana; he risked his life for the sake of his people and returned this time with a petition. The petition was sent to the government, and demanded more food and money for the Natives, and the Metis. I believe that this petition was fair in all parts and made complete sense. Riel wanted the government to give back to the Metis, what was taken away from them. This petition was turned down; again the Metis rights were overlooked and disregarded as not

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