Why Was Great Britain The First To Industrialization

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During the period of time from 1700 to 1830, Great Britain was the first country to industrialized, making products by machine instead of by hand. You may ask: Why was Britain the first to Industrialize? Well, I’m here to answer that. Britain was the first to industrialize because it had the right resources and the right environment for industrialization, meeting all the factors of production: land, labor, and capital (money). It had the correct natural resources (coal and iron), a powerful workforce, and a favorable economic climate.
First of all, Britain was lucky to have all the necessary natural resources to make industrialization happen. Those resources were coal, iron, rivers, and ships. Iron and coal were used to operate and make machines …show more content…

During the Enclosure Act, passed by the government, landowners had to enclose their lands with fencing, and those who could not afford to build this fencing would not be able to farm. This lead the poor farmers to sell the land and leave to work in the city. The increase in agricultural efficiency also drove peasants into the city to look for work. With an increase in agricultural efficiency, the rich landowners needed less farmers to work their farms, leaving the many unemployed farmers to look for work in the city. All these workers coming to the city usually ends up working in a factory, increasing the workforce of the factory industry. According to England’s Factory Commission, “People left other occupations and came to spinning for the sake of high wages”. Workers came to spinning in factories to increase their wages, increasing the workforce of the spinning factories. Stearns suggests, in his book The Industrial Revolution in World History, that “British landlords successfully pried land away from smallholding farmers through the government’s Enclosure Acts”. The British landowners drove off small farmers with the Enclosure Act, and these small farmers would then go to the city to look for a new job, usually ending up in a factory. All these workers moving to the city and working in factories aided the factory industry, improving the industrialization …show more content…

All of these factors were important for industrialization and caused Britain to become the first to industrialized, the one leading the Industrial Revolution. Leading the revolution that changed the ways of producing goods, the transfer from making goods by hand to making goods by machine with great efficiency. These machines and factories that originated from the Industrial Revolution in Britain will produce numerous goods used by billions of people all over the world

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