Why Was Fdr Effective

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The year is 1929. The stock market has crashed. America is spiraling downward into a seemingly inescapable depression. Families stand stark like ghosts in breadlines awaiting service. The nation is hopeless. Finally, the year 1933 comes around and like a breath of fresh air, a special man assumes his position as President of the United States. At the close of the Roaring Twenties, America entered an economic crash known as the Great Depression. Incited in 1929 by a crash of the stock market, Wall Street investors were sent into a frenzy. In 1933 when the Depression had reached its greatest low, millions of people were unemployed. Luckily enough, though the Great Depression is said to have lasted from 1929 to 1939, a hopeful interjection began to counteract its effects in 1933. This hopeful interjection was named Franklin Delano …show more content…

Though FDR faced hardships along the way such as his contraction of polio in 1921, his driven nature propelled him forward making him the only president to serve four terms in office. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s effective leadership can be attributed to his complex personality which forced him to be driven and dauntless, as well as his knowledge of how to be politically savvy, as seen through both his efficiency in the office and his willingness to support America as a whole.
Roosevelt was extremely driven, having clear and powerful goals for both himself as well as the nation as a whole. Franklin Roosevelt, though born into a family of money, was no stranger to hardship. In August 1921, FDR contracted polio leaving his legs paralyzed. Even through the bleakness, FDR maintained a hopeful and fiercely independent mindset (Franklin Delano 2). Roosevelt did not crumble in the face of adversity. He plugged forward through challenges in order to pursue his

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