Why There Was So Much Social Hardship In Germany Between The Years 1918-1923

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Explain why there was so much social hardship in Germany between the years 1918-1923.
Level: GCSE Subject: History Topic: Modern World History Word count: 594

“Explain why there was so much social hardship in Germany between the years 1918-1923.”

During the years 1918-23 there were many reasons why there was so much social hardship in Germany, but the main reason was bankruptcy; its reserves of Gold had all been spent on the war. Also Occupation of the Ruhr made things worse because it increased Germany’s debts, unemployment and the shortage of goods. All of this effected people to a great degree and led to German people becoming furious about the Government not being able to find a way out of the hardship, that the German people faced. …show more content…

Even though Germany asked for a reduction, it was rejected by France because she had to pay war debts to the USA. This deprived Germany from a lot of its income and with no Gold reserves Germany was in the worst Bankruptcy it had ever experienced. Due to the fact that Germany was unable to pay reparations, because it was bankrupt, France sent troops into the German industrial area of the Ruhr- they confiscated raw materials, manufactured goods and industrial machinery. This led to workers going on strike and the French replied by arresting those who obstructed them and bringing in their own workers, causing many German workers to become unemployed and the German economy to drastically drop. Thus the German people wanted the Weimar republic to retaliate against Frances vicious and brutal acts but unfortunately due to Germanys 100,000 soldiers, reduced under the treaty of Versailles, they were unable to do anything against 750,000 soldiers in the French army. This was another factor that increased unemployment because many soldiers were sacked from their jobs due to the reduction of the German army to 100,000 members. Although many factories and around 80% of German coal iron and steel where based there, the occupation of the Ruhr did the French little good but crippled Germany. Hence the Government needed money to pay their debts, so the government started to print more money, in 1923 the government had 300 paper mills and 2000 printing shops just to print

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