Why Teen Mom's Dropout Of School

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TEEN PREGNANCY It’s said that the number one reason teen mom’s dropout of school is due to being pregnant. Statistics show that 51 percent of teen mom’s earn a high school diploma compared to 89 percent of female students who did not give birth as a teen. Most teen mom’s gives birth before age 18. As we all know trying to provide for a baby and complete school along with many other factors can be daunting. I first hand know the struggles in and out of being a teen mom. I was that statistic. Imagine being 15 years old and during a physical your Dr. spoke these 3 words “You are pregnant” image the shock. As a teenager barely into high school, I was devastated. I sat there numb in disbelief trying to comprehend what was being said. My world was forever changed. Still, in middle school I continued to attend school and keep average grades …show more content…

It was at that time in my life where family and friends started stating their opinions. They said that my life would be nothing but heartache and I was never going to achieve nothing in life. Little did they know they would be my driving force and inspiration to pursue my dreams. While I am not here to promote teen pregnancy. My goal is to tell my story to other teen moms to give them strength and courage. Also. to make aware what out school systems only half teach out of a book, I’ll tell my reality. However, 57 percent of parents are uncomfortable talking to their children about sex. As I got older my life started to make sense to me. I had to forget what other’s expectations of me were and started to make my own. Now, don’t get me wrong I have started goals and didn’t achieve them. Learning my strengths was crucial and my drive for excellence was priority. So, yes at age 28 I am back in school finishing my high school diploma. Education is very important to me and I expect nothing less from my children. I refuse to let them fall into a

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