Why Should Students Be Allowed To Wear Band T-Shirts

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Imagine you are wearing your brand new t-shirt of your favorite band or singer. Pretty cool right? Well now you are not allowed to wear it because it is said to be disruptive and cause problems. In Hamilton Middle School a student named Ben was suspended for just that. There is a new rule stating that students are not allowed to wear any types of band t-shirts because of they are causing problems amongst the students that attend the same school. These problems are said to include the disruption of the learning environment. In addition, the shirts supposedly cause arguments and other problems. With that being said, the student should not have been suspended because his shirt is not breaking those rules. The band t-shirts that display musical groups or artists have not disrupted class. In one case there was an argument between a group of students before a math class. This argument did not get violent and it is good for people to express their opinions and beliefs. When the bell rang all of the students sat down and finished their lesson. Secondly, in that same math class, the teacher …show more content…

To start off, in all the events that were reported in the memo, none of them happened this year. That means that any of those problems are irrelevant because they were caused by other students and you can not make rules based on a fear or concern of something occuring. Secondly, the t-shirts can have a positive influence because while Ben was at school he became friends with another student named Kyle and they would bond over music and bands, which the t-shirts represent. But, with Ben being suspended, Kyle felt he had no one to talk to and felt lonely. Lastly, in the hallway there was a group of kids having a conversation about bands and afterwards they all walked away laughing which is a good, and healthy thing for the human body. So as you can see, the band t-shirts have not caused any problems outside of

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