Why Should Soda Be Banned In Schools

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Sodas Did you know that with each 12-ounce soft drink consumed by children increases their odds of becoming obese by 60%(Sugar). Most kids almost always will choose soda over any other beverage whenever there parents aren't around. So instead of drinking milk that helps strengthen your bones they drink soda. Sodas have zero nutrients and big in calories making bad for the body and kids everywhere. Drinking soda is linked to numerous negative health benefits therefore soda should be banned at schools. In both kids and adults, too much caffeine can cause difficulty sleeping,headaches, and difficulty concentrating making soda a bad choice of drink for kids at school. Consuming high amounts of caffeine can affect how a student works in school. …show more content…

and across the globe and previous scientific studies have shown consistent associations with weight gain and risk of obesity. However, this study is the first meta-analysis to quantitatively review the evidence linking sugar-sweetened beverages with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome (Sodas and Other Sugar-sweetened Beverages). For many people soda takes place of water or any other healthy beverages. The most crucial nutrient that body needs is not being consumed. Our body is 60% made up of water, and everyday it needs more and more to help the body survive. Water is a necessity for the body, Soda is not, it contains zero nutrients that would be classified as helpful. Lack of water, or dehydration, reduces the amount of blood in your body, forcing your heart to pump harder in order to deliver oxygen-bearing cells to your muscles. Also,To burn off the calories from a 12-ounce can of soda, a 75-pound child needs to bicycle vigorously for about 30 minutes - an average adult would need to walk at a moderate pace for 25 minutes to burn off the same soda (Sugar). The list about how soda is not good can go on and on, but it still won’t change people’s minds about drinking

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