Why Should Drugs Be Legalized?

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The war on drugs has been heavily criticized over the years due to its incompetence in reducing drug use. This is probably due to the fact that we have never fought the “war on drugs as we have fought other adversaries”, as Charles B. Rangel writes in “Why Drug Legalization Should Be Opposed”(288). However, in “Should Drugs Be Legalized?”, William J. Bennett contends that “every civilized society has found it necessary to exert some form of control over mind-altering substances”, which justifies the importance of the war on drugs (292). In “We’re Losing the Drug War Because Prohibition Never Works”, Hodding Carter III says that “hard drugs are estimated to kill 4,000 people a year directly and several tens of thousands indirectly” (290). Gary E. Johnson states in “The Case for Drug Legalization” that “2,000 to 3,000 people died in 1998 from abusing cocaine and heroine” (285). I deem drug legalization unnecessary because drug use is already decreasing. Furthermore, legalizing drugs will also result in the actions of imposing harm onto others.

Firstly, legalizing drugs is uncalled for because the …show more content…

Law enforcement may believe that once legalization of drugs has come into effect, they would be relieved of an unnecessary burden. This is because in a legalized scenario, the law would not need to apprehend anyone in possession of drugs or who have used them. This would result in the killing of innocent people simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sounds fair? No! That is why if you are found under the influence of drugs, one should be apprehended. This primarily ensures the safety and security of the community and also your loved ones. The price we would eventually pay to relieve law enforcement of ‘trivial’ arrests by legalizing drugs is simple: the deaths of innocent civilians. Are we actually willing to pay the

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