Why Rodeeos Should Be Banned

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Should Rodeos Be Banned? For as long as we’ve known, animals have been exploited for human amusement in cases such a rodeos, circuses and Seaworld’s use of orcas. It may seem like we are on the brink of a change in the right direction regarding the use/abuse of animals in entertainment: elephant bullhook ban in Los Angela taking effect in the beginning of 2017, and restricting the use of orcas in shows at SeaWorld during 2016. Could it be possible that rodeos, with their inherent cruelty, be far behind? Unfortunately, some of the participating animals suffer through loss of life from contestant physical punishment and demand. Examples such as: A Laramie County Community College rodeo coach was charged with cruelty to animals after four rodeo …show more content…

Then a prayer goes out for the participants and the including animals, setting up a cultural scene to give the viewers the aesthetic feel of the old western times. Rodeos are a part of American culture especially in the western portion of the country which came to existence because of the farmers and their ranch hands. The first documented rodeo to show was Sante Fe, New Mexico in 1847. Rodeo, they say, is about the historical cowboy daily life, the American frontier ethic and the kind of values that built a nation, but is our nation built on a myth. Rodeos don’t prefer to dwell on the abuse and suffering of animals rather on the tradition, heritage and simpler times when one could beat up on animals without tofu-eatin’ do-gooders giving them a hard time for it. To focus on the abuse suffered by animals is to ignore reason itself, missing out on the big picture. Interestingly, for the animals, that is the only picture. There's a documented number of over 176 “groups” participating in the fight against this cruel sport in hopes for a better life for all animals involved. Being nothing similar to the rodeos today, the cowmen have what is called the round-up, when the calves are branded and the fat beasts selected to be driven to a fair hundreds of miles away. This roundup is a great time for the cowhand, a Donnybrook fair it is indeed. They contest with each other for the best roping and throwing, and there are horse races and whiskey and wines. Not including abuse and endangering contests. “Today's rodeos bear little resemblance to ranch work where care was taken to not injure animals. Modern rodeos are nothing more than western-themed circuses with contestants wearing John Wayne costumes and racing against the clock in a cruel spectacle for

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