Why Prohibition was Repealed in 1933

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Why Prohibition was Repealed in 1933

On the 16th January 1920 the prohibition law was introduced, yet

almost immediately people began to question whether or to this law

would work. People were finding it too easy to break these laws as

secret saloons called speakeasies opened in cities everywhere. Those

who smuggled the alcohol were known as bootleggers. It was easy for

people to smuggle the alcohol into America because of the large

border. This caused violent crimes to spread throughout the USA.

There were two main reasons for the failure of prohibition. The first

being that there were not enough officials to enforce the law. America

has a large border meaning the officials could not main the whole

border. Many officials ended up being bribed into not reporting the

bootleggers, which did not reduce the crime at all.

The second reason for the failure of prohibition was that gangs and

criminals moved into the bootleg business, and were making so much

money that they were feared and would also bribe the authorities,

judges and officials to co-operate with them. The gangsters caused

massacres and the St Valentines Massacre was a turning point for

prohibition. People started to realise the dramatic failure of the

law, and so when the Wall Street crash and the depression hit the USA

in the early 1930s' it was obvious that legalising alcohol would

create jobs helping people out of the depression.

With all these problems, people were still getting drunk, so even with

the law drunkenness hardly decreased. This made people begin to

realise that by repealing the law alcohol would help get the taxes

from it so the USA could stop wastin...

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...on prohibition had seen itself into. He helped put

America back onto its feet without the need of prohibition.

Prohibition ended because of the St Valentines massacre due to the

increase of gangsters and violent crimes sweeping the USA It seemed

Prohibition had failed. It had made the USA law-less, the police were

corrupt and the gangsters were rich and powerful. When the Wall Street

crash followed by the great depression the economy was helpless.

People were out of jobs businesses went bankrupt and the country

suffered. However, by repealing prohibition it would create jobs,

raise the taxes, and free the impossible task of enforcing

prohibition. This would help bring money back into America. In 1932,

Franklin Roosevelt-democratic candidate-won the presidential elections

and in 1933, the prohibition law was repealed.

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