Why Plagiarism Is Bad

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With increasing rate, high schools and colleges are making use of online-based plagiarism checking programs to scan papers for stolen information. The consequences can be dreadful. At one extent, a failing grade for the assignment handed in, and or dismissal from an academic program. Some may ask, what is plagiarizing? Plagiarisms is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. There are several examples of plagiarism that occur often that you might not think is actually plagiarizing. Some examples of plagiarism are:
• Failing to cite with quotation marks the written words or symbols of an author.
• Failing to acknowledge author (who made the information) inside the text of a paper.
• Failing to cite …show more content…

• Presenting another student or persons works or ideas as your own in any type of assignment (These conclude computer programs, art work, and multi-media presentations.)
• Copying ideas from a work of literature without proper acknowledgement.
• Turning in a paper with text directly copied from a web site.
• Stealing an assignments or tests and selling copies.
If you doubt the severity of the consequences from plagiarism, consider the following above. If you plagiarize as a student, you not only risk your future reputation, but you’re decreasing your own personal growth. You are putting forth a lot of time in your education. You’re receiving best opportunity to learn how to be a critical thinker and write persuasively. When you copy someone else's work, you are throwing away the opportunity of making yourself more smart and intelligent.

Believe it or not, Plagiarism comes with many consequences as well, the consequences branch on many levels. Plagiarizing can be damaging to you educational career. Here are some consequences for plagiarizing:
• destroyed reputation as a student (high school) (college)
• formal warning (may be

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