Why People Choose To Go To War

807 Words2 Pages

Natalie Espadas
Mrs. Koritzke
Opinion Paper#2


When we think of war, we think of brave men and women going out to battle risking their lives to protect our nation. We think of the sacrifices of leaving their family to join a killing spree that does not have a determined final day. We think of how courageous they are to step up to prevent drafting within our young adults and adults. We think of their determination and pride in their own country to have the courage to go out to war. That is just what we see, but what many of us don't really think about is the psychological damage these heroic individuals undergo. Despite people knowing the effects of war, why do people choose to go to war?

I asked my uncle, Why did you choose to go to war? He said many soldiers relate to his experience. My Uncle, Ruben, admitted that as he grew up, he had a stepfather in the army that was extremely patriotic, which led him to …show more content…

There's a part of the song where a sergeant states that sergeants need "someone to kill on (their) command…and ask no questions" (Bellamy)[3] and then subsequently admitting that the sergeant will make them "psychos"(Bellamy). The picture of the song itself was symbolized. It shows a baby in an army suit in the arms of a man or woman in an army suit. It seems to just be a father or mother holding his baby, but the man or woman's face is just a robot. The main message of the song is that both, men and women are sent to war and are expected to come back home to their families normal. The song correlates Stan Tian's study of the psychological trauma war causes writes, "some lose their ability to form close bonds with loved ones due to the experience of near death and the fear that they will leave someone behind"(Tian)[4]. Returning back to their families with fear is like creating an idle

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