Why People Become A Bystander Or Bully?

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Bystander or bully?

More than 1 million kids are bullied or a bully. A person could become a bystander because they don’t want to be a part of any fight, or don’t want to be accused of telling peer pressure. Bystander are some of the main reasons because of suicides. A terrible Bystander is worse than being a horrible because a bystander just stands there letting whatever is happening happen. They didn’t tell anyone about what’s happening. These are 3 reasons why a person can become a bystander, or is already a bystander and don’t want to do anything so the bullying will not stop. It’s important to realize, that victims and bullies are directly involved. Bystanders don’t want to get involved in what happening, so they just stand there and watch it happen instead of telling a trusted adult. Bystanders want to watch what’s happening, sometimes they even are a part of it instead of telling a trusted adult. In this case, unfortunately many people believe that being a bystander is the best option to take, and there are many reasons for this. According to source 1” experts say that being a bystander is just as bad as being a bully. For instance, someone sees another person getting bullied what would go on in most minds got tell a teacher, nope they think it’s too much peer pressure. In conclusion, that’s why a bystander is worse. …show more content…

As you can see bystanders need to tell a trusted adult if they witness cruel bulling happening. When they don’t tell a trusted adult its leads to a suicide or death. When the suicide happens then the horrible bystander will most likely be very guilty. If you don’t tell anyone what happening then you would be a bystander. The reason why is because if you are bystander you stand there instead of telling a trusted adult. So you don’t want to be a bystander and be some of the reason why someone committed suicide. So next time, you see someone getting bullied tell a trusted

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