Why Obama Should Be Celebrated

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Every president wants their own day, why don't we give them one. This day would be celebrated on their birthday. This holiday will celebrate what they’ve done for our country, what they plan on doing, and show the people are supporting them. First of all we would celebrate what they have already done for our country. For example if we did this with Obama one of the things we would celebrate would be how he basically ended the war in Iraq (not using Trump because he is new to office). Another thing we would celebrate that Obama did would be Obamacare. He provided health care for very low to no charge, we have to celebrate that. It might not have been the best but it’s better than nothing. This celebration would be held during a parade on the president's birthday instead of president's day. This holiday should be a thing because all president's want their own day not sharing it with 50 other people. …show more content…

One of the examples of this would be with Trump. You could either encourage his idea of barricading the US from México or politely disagree and give a different idea. One thing you couldn't do is just immediately shoot down the idea you would have to hear them out and let them explain why it’s a good idea to do this. The only thing that would be an issue with voicing your opinion would be how you get to talk to the president. I think that it should be done by x amount of signatures then the president would have to view your

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