Why Nice Guys Finish Last By Julia Serano Summary

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Rape culture has become a huge issue where our social attitudes has the effect of normalizing sexual assault and abuse. Stereotypes and expectations of gender roles has an effect on who we see as the predator and prey in a rape incident, often times in a situation where sexual harassment has occurred between a male and female, the female is commonly seen as the victim of the situation. In the article, “Why Nice Guys Finish Last” Julia Serano, a transgender woman, shares her beliefs about rape culture. Julia Serano recounts her perspectives and experience as a male before transitioning into a female. Serano describes the main issue of rape as “unilateral sexism” meaning that men are seen as the dominant hand while women are most commonly seen as inferior in our society. “Unilateral sexism” is the idea in which Serano argues has been engraved onto the rape culture. This may be due to our cultural society having established female to be feminine as well as portraying female as submissive towards males. Pop media has also contributed to the stereotype of females being sexual objects. Serano argues that this “predator/prey mindset” has been engraved into our society by …show more content…

These stereotypes carry different situations which begin at a very young age. Males tend to refrain from doing anything “feminine” because they are afraid of being labeled as “gay” or “too feminine”. Social media and movies have all influenced this “Predator/prey mindset”. For example this mindset of being a boy is usually portrayed as strong and athletic while women are stereotyped to be less athletic than a man and weak. These labels have progressively influenced to the bigger issue we face today. Women suffrage is an example of issues women must deal with and like today's world the main dispute for women of equal pay is result of the predator/prey

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