Why It Is Important To Try New Things

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P!nk once sang in a song, "Where there is desire there's going to be a flame, where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned, but just because it burns doesn't mean I'm gonna die, you gotta get up and try." The only way to truly find someones limits is to try new things, which helps people to grow and prosper as a species. This is because people find more activities they like, learn from their mistakes, and have fun while trying. With new experiences comes more knowledge of what a person likes to do. If a person were to be offered a position on a robotics team and found they liked it, then they have grown and developed their skills as a person. If someone turned down this position, then they didn't get to learn if they even …show more content…

Each new experience helps people grow into the infinite space that allows people to do anything they want. Everyone in the world makes mistakes, and what helps you grow is that you learn from those mistakes. People always fail at something at one time or another. The key to moving on is putting the pieces back together and not letting history repeat itself. However, some people are afraid of being ridiculed when they make a mistake and never hearing the end of the situation. It doesn't matter whether or not people are ridiculed or looked down upon after a mistake. Everybody has imperfections that make themselves perfect. Nobody can take that quality away from a person. Trying a new thing might not give people the outcome they want, but they can have a lot of fun in the process. If someone tried out for the football team but didn't make it, they may be hurt, but they had more fun than not trying at all. In contradiction, people might want to only win instead of having fun. Those people need to relax once in a while. The whole point of trying something new is having fun while doing it. It doesn't matter if they win or not, unless the trek they made to get there was enjoyable. Whether you are doing it to win or for fun, new

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