Why Is Tom Sawyer Bad

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In the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, Huck Finn is described as “the juvenile pariah of the village” and “hated by all the mothers of the town.” Is Huck really that bad? Huck judges others fairly, saves people like the widow and Muff Potter, and is a very loyal friend to Tom. Although he steals and cusses, he doesn't have anyone to teach him what’s right and wrong. Huck is not bad or vulgar. Huck hangs around Uncle Jake even when everyone else wouldn’t. Huck does not judge Uncle Jake because he is a slave. On page 179, Huck states, “He likes me, becuz I don’t ever act as if I was above him…” Huck doesn't judge people just because everyone else says they are bad. Huck hangs around Muff Potter when everyone else in the village just thinks he’s not good. On page 149, Huck States, “But (Muff Potter’s) kind of good -- he gave me half a fish, once, when there wasn’t enough for two; and lots of times he’s kind of stood by me when I was out of luck.” Huck cares for others and …show more content…

A few years ago the widow Douglas’ husband has Injun Joe “horsewhipped” in front of the whole town. On Page 186, Injun Joe states, “her husband was rough on me -- many times he was rough on me -- and mainly he was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. And that ain’t all. It ain’t a millionth part of it! He had me horsewhipped! -- in front of the jail,”. Huck is afraid he wants to murder the widow because her husband was so rough on Injun Joe. On Page 186, Injun Joe continues, “Kill? Who said anything about killing? I would kill him if he was here; but not her. When you want to get revenge on a woman you don’t kill her -- bosh! You go for her looks You slit her nostrils -- you notch her ears like a sow!” After Huck learns what Injun Joe is planning on doing to the Widow Douglas, he runs to get help from the welshman. Huck saves the widows life and risks Injun Joe wanting more revenge on

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