Why Is There Tension In Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of the Flies isn't just a novel that is written about a bunch of boys whose plane has crashed and who have to fend for themselves on an island that only a handful of people have stepped foot on. It's more than that, the Lord of the Flies is a novel that relates to rules, law and order, friendships, enemies, popularity, looks and structure. When there is no adults or civilisation and structure that everyone has to follow things can get out of hand. This is the case in Lord of the Flies and when a bunch of feral boys who haven't had structure for months disagree on certain situations it creates a War look atmosphere. Ralph nods because what the officer said was true, the boys had been at war and for the officer to assume that correctly was a representation on the scene the boys had set. The officer who landed on the island and said to Ralph "What have you been Having a war or something?" This is the main reason behind the officer assuming their was some kind of battle going on. It was quite a serious and dangerous bushfire that had started 'The fire reached the coconut trees on the beach and swallowed them noisily' 'The sky was black' When this was described I don't think the officer knew how serious this war was, he asked "Nobody killed I hope?" Ralph then replied "only 2" that's when the officer started to sound a lot more intrigued in what Ralph, Jack and the boys were up too. As well as the boys appearance when the officer asked "have you been having a war or something" the scene on the beach certainly looked like it. The officer doesn't know that order and structure has been lost within the boys as well as betrayal between two genuine leaders. It's these particular things that have led to Jack being a feral arrogant boy with no heart and it has all led to Jacks gang wanting Ralph hurt and chasing him with spears and setting fires that has created this war like

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