Why Is The Declaration Of Independence Important

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The Declaration of Independence is a very big important part of American history. It has been said that the Declaration of Independence is the most important pieces of writing ever written for The United States of America. The Declaration of Independence is about how men are free and equal and possess the same inherent, natural rights, and also it proclaimed the right to independence for the America to separate from Great Britain. This document was written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams


One of the signers that sign the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was an American lawyer and Founding Father, and principal author of the Declaration of Independence. He was elected the second Vice President of the United States and the third President. He was also the one who started the Declaration of Independence with Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. He signed the Declaration of Independence because he was the one who started it and also he was the one who wanted to change The United States of America to be a better place for people to live also to have freedom of speech, because other countries don’t have what The United States has and he was also the most wanted man in Great Britain just for saying these words.

A second signer who …show more content…

The First part for the declaration is the intent. The intent gives the people’s rationale for why they are writing this document, the right of individuals, and the purpose of government. The second part of the Declaration in the list of grievances . the list of grievance explains all of the unjust things that king George had done such as taxation without representation, his refusal to do things in the common good of the people, and his allowing of soldiers live in citizen's home without consent. The third part is the declaration. the declaration is basically just stating that they were then breaking away from great

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