Why Is The American Dream Unattainable

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The american dream. Well what is the American Dream ? Is the American Dream even achievable ? Everyone has a different interpretation of what the american dream is. The true definition of the American Dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Although some people have a different view on the American dream or is it obtainable. Although the American Dream is sometimes obtainable depending on the person. As long as you apply yourself and actually work towards achieving that “dream”. Although the “American Dream” is very much achievable looking in society today individuals are able to work, have the minimum of what is needed to …show more content…

Reasons to believe the American Dream is unattainable, Stephanie Coontz states “ that most people believe the American Dream is fading & that the dream only became a possibility for white men.” Certain people may argue that statement because their are African American Men & Women just as or maybe even more successful as a White man or Women, so i don't necessarily think that going out and achieving goals is a racial issue. Now in some situations Coontz did argue that “getting a job may not be as easy to achieve for a african american male or female vs a white male or women only because the color of one's skin”. Me knowing this information just makes me feel like if i were to be in that situation i would keep pushing even more to get that job or even try hard somewhere else. Through personal experience i know for a fact me being in a competitive situation against others would just make me want the job more, so that even if i don't get the job at least i can look back and say i tried. The american dream is obtainable as long as that individual

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