Why Is Stealing Bad

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Stealing is an act of taking something that is not yours… it could be anything a candy bar, cookies, paper, pencil it can even be a life…. Its can also be words that people steal. Some people may have personal issues that may tempt them to steal. Other just may steal just for the fun of it which can lead into a habit. Stealing is bad because it can become an addiction. Stealing is a common problem in society. While some people steal once or twice, other People are unable to resist the urge to steal things. Some people steal because they do not have the money to purchase items. Some may get a thrill from stealing. Others feel entitled to get what they want without payment. Stealing has a countless of negative consequences, including criminal record. While stealing is not yet classified as an addiction, Kleptomania is a strong control disorder involving stealing that may leave you feeling ashamed and guilty. Dealing with your problem is an important first step. …show more content…

A large percentage of people who become involved in shoplifting activates mainly do so because of depression. When depression is the issue, the shoplifter will probably steal during a special occasion like a birthday or wedding day, and in hope of happiness. There are also those who steal in order to release some built up anger or frustration, whiles others could engage in this illegal activity because of insecurities and because they are more than capable of coping with out problems that they are facing. Because there can be several reasons why a person shoplifts, it is therefore very important to determine what emotional or metal issues are a

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