Why Is Slavery Wrong

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Slavery has evolved through time, and liberal arguments include facts and theologies that expose what slavery truly is having condemned its practice. Other arguments include stories and morals that say there was nothing wrong with what was done: only show the confusion on the subject. Slavery is depicted as an evil, terrorizing the 1600s in America. Anyone who could afford a slave had them in the southern states. Due to the invention of the cotton gin, slaves were more essential for the production of cotton important to the textile production in Europe. Slavery lasted for two hundred plus years and did not end until the end of the civil war. Prejudice and equal rights for blacks lasted for another hundred years after slavery was abolished. …show more content…

Slavery was exercised in the entire American colonies for over two hundred years and the slaves built the infrastructure of a young nation. The cotton gin was invented in 1793 and made the need for slaves more significant. This also grew the South's economy, but a divide in the people had begun, one economy based on agriculture in the south and one based on manufacturing in the north. The Northern States realized that slavery was wrong and would have no part in it, partly due to the influence of Puritans and Quakers both against slavery. The South firmly disagreed with this view and after several compromises, both sides had enough. This sparked the Civil War, and the North and South engaged in a five year war. The Union allowed slaves to fight alongside their white soldiers. The Confederates had to surrender after months of little food and supplies like clothes and ammo running low. After the Union won the war, the 13th Amendment came into effect. This meant that slavery was banned in all states, and it freed four million slaves. The former slaves were granted citizenship and equal protection after the 14th amendment passed. Then after the …show more content…

The 1970s-80s were spent defending and fortifying what rights the blacks had. Then in 1991, Rodney King, who was a black taxi driver, was speeding and tried to escape the police but was beaten by four LAPD officers. This grew to become worldwide news and since it was recorded on video and televised the news traveled fast. This incident raised worries amongst the people and showed a possible bias on how the police treat minorities. All four officers were charged with assault, but the tension was so high that the 1992 LA riots started. During these riots 53 people were killed and over 2,000 were injured. The riots did not end until the California National Guard came to reestablish peace. The Rodney King beating was one of the first events that showed that the police could show the brutality to an extreme point particularly against minorities. Within the last couple of years there have been more incidents similar to the Rodney King beating. The first of three started in 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri when teenager Michael

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