Why Is Rockefeller Unethical

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When they told him he couldn’t do it he said “I don’t care”. When he was just a book keeper struggling to keep food on the table he didn’t yield, instead he got out there and became the biggest philanthropist and wealthiest man in the entire world. When the critics said, “Rockefeller what you’re doing is wrong and unethical.” He revolutionized the industry and created one of the biggest monopolies of all time in America. When Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act that forced said monopoly to dismantle; Rockefeller laughed because at that point he had already done it, he was on the mountain top. Rockefeller was a story of success he had everything going against him and he did it anyway. Rockefeller was born to a poor family with six other siblings, and when he was looked down upon with no hopes of success, he pressed on. When Rockefeller was just a wee lad in a poor struggling family he raised money for the family by selling everything from turkeys to candy. Rockefeller became a clerk when he was …show more content…

When Rockefeller heard that he went to his oil refineries and revolutionized the efficiency of his operation. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania indicted Rockefeller and tried to finish off the tough rock Rockefeller. Rockefeller didn’t give up and say “Oh well I did pretty good, but the laws the law.” No he got out there and saved all the fledgling oil industries in America even to the point that he was called the Angel of Industry. When congress passed a law specifically to fine and reduce Rockefeller’s self-made fortune. Rockefeller wished them the best of lucked and donated a third of his personal fortune. Because Rockefeller had already succeeded and had already beaten the odds. He didn’t care if he wasn’t liked, he didn’t care what the journalists said about him, because at the end of the day Rockefeller crushed conventional understanding of

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