Why Is Police Brutality Important

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Police Brutality
Each year, more individuals are killed by civilians than by the police force. So why is society choosing to go against the police force, the ones who serve to protect? Police brutality has been exaggerated to the point that mankind is rushing to judge the actions of law enforcement before facts or evidence has been stated. The terms “necessary force” and “reasonable force” need to be better explained in order to resolve the conflicts between citizens and the police force. To prevent police brutality throughout America, individuals must choose to stand behind the police force instead of opposing them.
In order to find peace with the police force, America must give them the respect they deserve. How can the police respect the public if all the public shows is hatred, disrespect, resent, and ignorant manners towards them? “The attitude of a suspect can affect the probability of the police having to use force” (Alpert 496). America respects the millions of individuals who risk their lives for our freedom, so we should respect the police who risk their lives for our safety. Respect is due to the police force because they …show more content…

If people choose to stand behind the police force, an understanding between the public and police force will occur, reducing tensions. In order to resolve the tension between citizens and the police force, America must be optimistic that change is possible. Police must get involved with the communities they are protecting in order to build trust and reduce the crime. The public has to understand that the police force is truly trying to do their job and may make mistakes on occasion. These mistakes can be prevented through endless support and honor from America. If people choose to respect the police force and the ideals that they protect everyday, police brutality will surely

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