Why Is Othello An Outsider

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Othello seems like an awkward type of character from the first act, he observes everything that could possibly affect him from a distance. I would constantly wonder why he didn’t have any discussions or arguments, he is seen as an outsider throughout the first act. Even though this story is named after him, he really didn’t establish his presence. When Lago and Cassio allowed discussions about Desdemona Othello tend to be cut off from the conversation. Was this because he didn’t want to? Maybe, he felt the need to be hidden for his desires for her? Later in the story, he kidnaps and marries Desdemona. He felt the need to represent the least suspicious person to grip her. He had great combative and common skills that delivered him a key part …show more content…

He believed that his kindness and gullibility is what contributed to his fall. He was a solider that followed the rules and abided by them no matter what, Othello was an easy target to take Cassio down for receiving the promotion over Iago. If he would of thought more clearly he would of not made those mistakes. He was mislead by Iago, but Othello had no proof to make his actions correct. Othello believed that everyone was honest and he found the wrong person truthful. He forgot about Desdemona proving her love for him and he ignored that. She wasn’t blinded by words Desdemona wanted marry Othello because she looked internally and cared less about his physical appearance. However, his insecurity of himself lead to his tragic end. A plan that Iago had unfortunately went south because Cassio didn’t suffer because he had no romantic ties to Desdemona. He only had a handkerchief to believe her infidelity when in reality doesn’t mean much in proving infidelity. He fell under Iago’s influence and thought he was friend who supported him, but it ends up destroying him. People tend to listens to those who agree with their statements. Murderers who aren’t psychotic are often influenced by those who agree with their tendencies. They do not want to hear they shouldn’t do something, they want to here their actions are correct and should pursue them. Othello understood that he was tricked, but the blood was done in his own hands, not Iago. As a man who is loyal to his society, he couldn’t blame someone else for his action because he realized his mind was clouded due to his incapability to judge the wicked from the

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