Why Is Nature Vs Nurture Adopt Children

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Nature vs. nurture is a debate that comes up with adopted children because they seem to have more problems than non-adopted children. Adopted children tend to have more behavioral problems such as; conduct disorders and academic struggles. Meanwhile, non-adopted children seem to have less behavioral problems. The problem seems to be that the parent doesn’t know how to help the child’s behavior and it ends up getting worse. Many questions seem to appear to why adopted children tend to have these problems. There’s really no right or wrong answer, but many studies seem to lean to nurture as the problem. Even though, nature and nurture both influence a child’s behavior, they tend to affect behavior in different ways.
Nature and nurture affect our behavior daily and affect the way people respond to situations, such as; hardships and success. Nature has to do with the biological factors in a person, like, …show more content…

Foster parents don’t know how to handle certain situations and give up. Others, are afraid of adopting an older child because of their behavioral problems caused by so much rejection. Because parents are afraid of adopting children end up aging out of adoption. 22,392 youth aged out of the foster care system in 2014 and their future doesn’t seem to be bright. They don’t get much help and assistance once they get out. It’s like they just throw them out into the real world and expect them to teach themselves how to live. Most of them end up homeless, in jail, or unemployed because they don’t know how to live in the real world by themselves. By the age of eighteen, biological children usually go off to college or get a real job because their parents have led them and taught them about the real world. Also, the biological children know that their plan for the future doesn’t work out that they can go back home with the support of their

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