Why Is Napoleon Bad

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To answer your question: I have a lot of feelings on Napoleon. I feel that he was a flawed individual, as we all are. He could be a bitter, angry, mean person. He wrote awful things in his letters to Josephine. I won’t go into specifics, but the letters are worth a read if you haven’t read them. He had views on women that weren’t that great. Clisson et Eugenie is an example of his feelings towards women. Napoleon was hardly a faithful husband, taking many mistresses during both of his marriages. The wars he was involved in resulted in numerous casualties on all sides.. He didn’t know when to give up. He could be full of himself. He did some shitty things.
But his flaws do not negate all the good that he did. Napoleon’s Civil Code is still in use today. I won’t get into specifics on the Napoleonic Code, but they obviously did a lot of good for France and, by extension, the entire world. Napoleon transformed a frantic France, still reeling from the aftermath of the French Revolution, into a thriving country. I think it is safe to say that France was a collectively better place during the Napoleonic Era than it had been in the time directly before it. He gave the people the freedom to choose their own religion in a society that had, for so long, been told what to do and what to worship by the …show more content…

And sometimes I think that’s the problem with history. I never really see it with the blogs I follow, but so many people I’ve talked to in real life see events and figures in black and white, completely good or wholly bad. An individual is either an innocent cinnamon roll or a piece of shit that you wouldn’t dare touch with a ten foot pole. But you cannot hold all of history up to this standard. No one person is completely pure or evil. Everyone is problematic in some way, no matter what. And that’s what makes them human. That’s what makes them

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