Why Is My 5 Year Old Unhappy, By John Rosemond

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The article, “Why is my 5 year old unhappy?” written by psychologist John Rosemond I feel reflects on a question many parents ask themselves today. Rosemond is a bit controversial in his advice on parenting, tending to reference his own experiences growing up. As a parent and a member of the same generation as he is I can relate to some of his theories. The article stress how a parent of a five year old is concerned because is trying to give his only son everything he wants to make in happy. In return, he gets a moody child who has difficulty getting along with other children. He is a seemingly ungrateful, non- communicative child who is not thankful for anything he has received. The parent is worried that there may be signs of a chemical imbalance or psychiatric disorder that is inherited.

Having been an educator for sixteen years I have witnessed this behavior time after time. Parents overindulging their children with gifts and the child feeling …show more content…

Technology is being developed to encourage children to eat by enticing them with a video game. The application called ‘Yumit” records every bite the child takes and transmits it by Bluetooth to an application which allows 15 minutes of video time. The software does not encourage the child to interact with the family, but features the child alone. A study conducted by Boston University states that children learn better from direct contact with human contact. As a former Information Systems Manager I believe that we need to embrace technology in our children’s lives, as it does exist. We do not need to replace the family dinner time with technology. I believe that parents would be interested in this article because some children are very picky eaters and the parents may be encouraged that because of this app their children will eat. The role of a parent should not be replaced with

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