Why Is Lying Bad

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Do you believe that lying is a good thing to do, if you don't you should. My first reason is that lying can protect others from harm. What i mean by that is that some people may feel bad about themselves so you tell them a lie to cheer up. My second reason is that lying is that lying can make life easy. Some people may ask you so many questions so you just say that you don't know the answers. My final reason is that lying can get people out of trouble. Some people may be doing something bad like going to someone's house and you say that you took the car to wash it. So these are my reasons why i believe that lying is always okay. My first reason that states lying was okay was that lying can make life easy. What i mean by that is that you can lie to someone instead of telling the long long truth. One example of this is when someone asks you if you have candy of course you do but you say no that way you can eat it all. My evidence is that this is that you don't want your kids to eat too much so you say that all the cookies are gone. I got my evidence from article two paragraph one. One other example is that you might not want to go to school or work the next day so you call in sick even though you are not or you can make up another lie like you have to babysit. I got this information …show more content…

One of my examples was that you can lie to not hurt someone's feelings that way the don't cry or feel sad about something like their shoes. My support is that when you tell someone that you love thier outfit even though you would never wear it. I got my support from paragraph two article two. You can also avoid a friend being mad at you. One other example is that when you tell someone that they don't look fat in something. My support is that when you tell someone that you love what they are wearing. The source is paragraph 2 article two. You have to have at the least told one lie to protect a

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