Why Is Laughter Important In Romeo And Juliet

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The Importance of Laughter
Imagine a world without laughter. It is a scary thought. There would be no babies laughing or any jokes being told. Humor is essential to life and comic relief is essential to Romeo and Juliet. Most literature today will make a person laugh. Even tragic movies have some element that will cause a chuckle from the crowd. This element that causes laughter is comic relief. According to dictionary.com, comic relief is “an amusing scene, incident, or speech introduced into serious or tragic elements, as in a play, in order to provide temporary relief from tension, or to intensify the dramatic action.” This relief helps a …show more content…

Nurse’s husband picked her up and asked her if she fell on her face. He then asked, when she was older if she would “fall back”, which means to have sex, and young Juliet answered yes. Nurse told this story at a time when Juliet was stressed about finding a husband. Fourteen was an older age then. Lady Capulet was already married at that age. Therefore, Nurse told Juliet this story to ease her nerves. Without humor Romeo and Juliet would be even more depressing than it already is. Life is the same way. Without humor, life would be sad and boring. Humor corresponds with entertainment. When a person is sad, someone makes them laugh. Whether they make them laugh by telling a joke or making a funny face, comedy is the first resort to make any person happy. During a study, published in 2003, scientist took an MRI of 16 healthy adults looking at a funny cartoon and a non-funny cartoon. According to the article “Funny Thing About Humor and the

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