Why Is It Important To Read Literature

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Have you ever hated something so much that it kills you inside? I have and it happens to be reading and literature. I strongly dislike them both with a bloody passion. Ever since I began to read, I was never able to sound out the words correctly or make connections with the vocabulary. I myself have never read for pleasure in the past and my interest in reading is still at an all time low. Why should I read a book if I can just watch movies? I can watch silent movies and analyze the character developments, actions and reactions to the events taking place. I have always learned that actions speak louder than words; words have never been there to define us. It is our actions that define us. Although I cannot read perfectly that does not mean …show more content…

Literature has no true value because it is out actions that speak for us, not words. Our culture is constantly growing. While it grows, the interest in literature continues to decrease dramatically.
First, to make more income one must analyze and interpret literature. However, you do not have to love reading in order to “earn more, vote more, and have more rewarding career opportunities” (Burriesci 1). The readers tend to care more about their social standings and physical activities. The reader’s have managed to develop multitasking skills in their daily lives. In Burriesci’s report he declares:
“They [readers] are more than three-times as likely to patronize cultural institutions. They are more likely to play sports, and they exercise on a more regular basis. They are also much more likely to vote, and they are more inclined to volunteer for charitable work”. (2)
I have always tended to disagree with that. While I was in high school I did all of the above and if I had a choice I would have never picked up a book. I played five different sports all year round; cheerleading, weightlifting, track, flag football, and dance. Also, I constantly volunteered to work for numerous charity

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