Why Is It Important To Know Your True Identity Essay

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It is important to know your true identity because when you know your true identity you come to learn more and more things about yourself. When you find your true identity you could find that you're not like the people that you have been hanging out with and you might think they are a bad example for you. Or you could find something as simple as not liking apples. Your true identity is what makes you you. When you come to find your identity you could do wonders. For example, Hercules and April both had major struggles to finding their true selves.
Hercules and April are similar in that they both struggle to find who they really are until they are inspired by someone. These two characters were both driven by someone's words. For example, April was inspired by her teacher talking about how the slaves were set free. This drove her to take off her mask and show who she really is. Hercules was inspired by his dad to go and become a hero. When Hercules succeeds with this task he finds that he is a true hero who is a little too cocky. This shows that Hercules and April both struggled to find themselves but were driven and found inspiration. …show more content…

Hercules is a greek god who was adopted and lives with a family on Earth, when he should be back in the Temple of Zeus with his real family. But, when he flattens the whole market in a game of discus his foster parents decide to tell him his adoption story. Which drives him back to his temple to find his true identity. April´s story is very different. She experiences a school where everyone covers their faces in masks. Which cover their true identities. But, when she find that one person has to be the leader and show themselves she decides that that was what she needed to do to find her true identity. In conclusion they are very

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